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FAQ - Correct Operation of MicroCue & MasterCue Devices

tecAID is your specialist for the reliable repair and maintenance of Interspace Industries devices

FAQ MicroCue

Das Cueing System MicroCue 3 von Interspace Industries mit einem Handsender auf einem Flightcase

Interspace Industries devices for professional presentations

Cueing systems from Interspace Industries, such as the MicroCue2, MicroCue3 and MasterCue V6, help make professional audiovisual presentations run smoothly by giving presenters as well as technicians the best possible control. There are well over 10 of them. It’s easy to lose track of everything the cueing systems have to offer and how they can be operated. We have therefore answered some of the most frequently asked questions about the MicroCue & MasterCue for you here.

How can I teach the remote control of a MicroCue?

MicroCue 2: First turn the device over and press the black button until the LED lights up red. Then press the button on the desired remote control, whereupon the LED goes out.
MicroCue 3: In the menu, first select ‘Learn’, then ‘Learn Handsets’. Then press the button on the desired remote control.

How do I delete all remote controls learnt on a MicroCue?

MicroCue 2: Turn the device over and press the black button until the red LED turns off automatically.

MicroCue 3: First select ‘Erase’ in the menu, then ‘Erase Handsets’.

How many remote controls can be programmed to a MicroCue & MasterCue in total?

There are well over 10 of them.

Are the remote controls compatible between MicroCue 2/3 and MasterCue V6?

Yes, all remote controls from the MC2, MC3 and MasterCue V6 series are compatible with each other.

The only exception is that the ‘Black’ button on the MasterCue is not recognised. If you press it, nothing happens.
You can buy cueing systems and other professional products from Interspace Industries for your next event from publitec or hire them from NicLen.